Docente a contratto


I am a Social and Cultural Psychologist formed at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). As a student, researcher and consultant, I gained deep experience in managing qualitative and quantitative research methods. I am a member of the Association for European Qualitative Researchers in Psychology (EQuiP) since 2020.

Main interests and activities: 

- Social Representation Theory
- Public opinion construction
- Public understanding of science and Resistance to new technologies 
- Qualitative methods (interviews, focus groups, ethnographies)
- Quantitative text analysis (e.g. text mining, twitter analysis, automated content analysis)

email: [email protected]


PhD Project

“Understanding a liminal condition: social representations of the vegetative state”

Supervisor: Prof. Lorenzo Montali


  • Zulato, E., Bauer, M. (In corso di stampa). Mapping antibiotics awareness across European regions.. In M. Bauer, B. Schiele (a cura di), Science Communication - taking a step back to move forward. CNRS. Dettaglio

  • Morimoto, R., Bauer, M., Zulato, E., Süerdem, A., Jayasinghe, P., Munasinghe, M. (In corso di stampa). Comparing awareness of antibiotic resistance in Sri Lanka and the European Union. In Science Communication - taking a step back to move forward. CNRS. Dettaglio

  • (2023). Representing liminality: An integrated psycho-social examination of the vegetative state. (Tesi di dottorato, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2023). Dettaglio

  • Zulato, E., Montali, L., Quagliarella, C. (2023). Is There Anyone in There?”: Caregivers and Professionals’ Mutual Positioning to Take Care of Vegetative State Patients. In M. Fatigante, C. Zucchermaglio, F. Alby (a cura di), Interculturality in institutions: symbols, practices, and identities. Springer [10.1007/978-3-031-12626-0]. Dettaglio

  • Montali, L., Brooker, J., Camussi, E., Davenport, P., Ronco, E., Shand, L., et al. (2023). The interplay between ovarian cancer and social relationships: an analysis of patients’ metaphors. PSYCHOLOGY & HEALTH [10.1080/08870446.2023.2180149]. Dettaglio