Assegnista di ricerca
Settore scientifico disciplinare:
Psicologia sociale (M-PSI/05)
  • U06, Piano: 3, Stanza: 3124


  • Marinucci, M., Riva, P., Lenzi, M., Lasagna, C., Waldeck, D., Tyndall, I., et al. (2023). On the lowest rung of the ladder: How social exclusion, perceived economic inequality and stigma increase homeless people's resignation. BRITISH JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY [10.1111/bjso.12657]. Dettaglio

  • Marinucci, M., Pancani, L., Riva, P. (2023). Exploring the peer status prototypes: A large-scale latent profile analysis on high-school students from four European countries. SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, 64(1 (February 2023)), 40-52 [10.1111/sjop.12863]. Dettaglio

  • Burrai, F., Ortu, S., Marinucci, M., De Marinis, M., Piredda, M. (2023). Effectiveness of Immersive Virtual Reality in People with Cancer Undergoing Antiblastic Therapy: A Randomized Controlled Trial. SEMINARS IN ONCOLOGY NURSING, 39(4 (August 2023)) [10.1016/j.soncn.2023.151470]. Dettaglio

  • Owuamalam, C., Caricati, L., Spears, R., Rubin, M., Marinucci, M., Ferrari, A. (2023). Further evidence that system justification amongst the disadvantaged is positively related to superordinate group identification. ACTA PSYCHOLOGICA, 232(February 2023) [10.1016/j.actpsy.2022.103813]. Dettaglio

  • Büttner, C., Jauch, M., Marinucci, M., Williams, K., Greifeneder, R., Riva, P., et al. (2023). It will (never) stop hurting: Do repeated or chronic experiences of exclusion lead to hyper- or hyposensitive psychological responses?. GROUP PROCESSES & INTERGROUP RELATIONS [10.1177/13684302221140002]. Dettaglio

Progetti di ricerca

Fattori di rischio e protezione dell'esclusione sociale cronica nei rifugiati e richiedenti asilo
Anno: 2017
Bando: 2017-058 - Fondi di ricerca “Roberto Franceschi” per laureandi magistrali e dottorandi