Docente a contratto


  • Pistagni, R., Calicchia, S., Picco, E., Grosso, F., Colagiacomo, C., Manco, C., et al. (2022). Occupabilità sostenibile: un contributo all’ergonomia organizzativa. In ATTI DEL XII CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI ERGONOMIA E FATTORI UMANI – SIE2022 (pp.75-78). Dettaglio

  • Vitale, M., Della Pepa, G., Costabile, G., Bozzetto, L., Cipriano, P., Signorini, S., et al. (2022). Association between Diet Quality and Index of Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis in a Large Population of People with Type 2 Diabetes: Data from the TOSCA.IT Study. NUTRIENTS, 14(24) [10.3390/nu14245339]. Dettaglio

  • Chinello, C., de Haan, N., Capitoli, G., Trezzi, B., Radice, A., Pagani, L., et al. (2022). Definition of IgG Subclass-Specific Glycopatterns in Idiopathic Membranous Nephropathy: Aberrant IgG Glycoforms in Blood. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 23(9) [10.3390/ijms23094664]. Dettaglio

  • Eskenazi, B., Ames, J., Rauch, S., Signorini, S., Brambilla, P., Mocarelli, P., et al. (2021). Dioxin exposure associated with fecundability and infertility in mothers and daughters of Seveso, Italy. HUMAN REPRODUCTION, 36(3), 794-807 [10.1093/humrep/deaa324]. Dettaglio

  • Maloberti, A., Qualliu, E., Occhi, L., Jinwei, S., Grasso, E., Tognola, C., et al. (2021). Hyperuricemia prevalence in healthy subjects and its relationship with cardiovascular target organ damage. NMCD. NUTRITION METABOLISM AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES, 31(1), 178-185 [10.1016/j.numecd.2020.08.015]. Dettaglio