Professoressa ordinaria
Settore scientifico disciplinare:
Chimica industriale (CHEM-04/A)
  • U05, Piano: 1, Stanza: 1048
Orari di ricevimento:

Martedì dalle 10:30 alle 11:30.


Angiolina Comotti got a master degree in Chemistry at the University of Milan, in 1995 she held a Fellowship for one year at the ETH in Zurich and in 1998 she got her PhD degree in Chemistry. In 2001 she was appointed as an Assistant Professor (tenured position) of Physical Chemistry at the Department of Materials Science at the University of Milano-Bicocca where she is currently Associate Professor. She carried out research activity at Cambridge University, University of California at Berkeley (by Alex Pines) and has been Visiting Scientist at New York University (by Mike Ward) and at the University of Strasbourg (Wais Hosseini). She performed neutron diffraction experiments at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory ISIS (Oxford) and was in charge of several projects at synchrotron light source at ESRF (Grenoble).

Publications 115 articles on high impact index journals such as 1 Science, 1 Nature Materials, 2 Nature Chemistry, 10 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 11 J. Am. Chem. Soc., 9 Chem. Mater., 10 Chem. Comm., 5 J. Mater. Chem., 4 Macromolecules.

Google Scholar 3850 citazioni, H-index 38

ISI WEB of SCIENCE 3340 citazioni, H-index 36

SCOPUS 3350, H index 36


Plenary Lectures and keynote Lectures: 66

She has received the national award for Industrial Innovation by AIRI at the Accademia dei Lincei in 1995, the "SAPIO NMR 2000" award and the "Micromeritics" grant award 2012.

Several publications were selected as HOT or VIP papers and highlighted in the cover of the journals (10 covers). Several publications were selected as HOT or VIP papers and highlighted in the cover of the journals (10 covers). The discovery of a new class of organic zeolites and their storage capacity was remarked by C&EN (2000), C&EN (2005) (Freeemantle), Chem-DE (2005), Spectroscopy Now “Crystal Gas Tank” (2005) (D. Bradley) and C&EN (2009). The novelty of the results published in Science 2011 was highlighted in a "Perspective" article of the same issue, in Royal Society of Chemistry and Scientific American press releases, and in over 40 websites. Chem.& Eng. News dedicated the "News of the Week" to the results. The recent article published in Nature Chemistry 2015 about the CO2 capture/release on command in a porous molecular crystal has been featured in Chemistry World Royal Society of Chemistry and several other journals.


  • Erroi, A., Mecca, S., Zaffalon, M., Frank, I., Carulli, F., Cemmi, A., et al. (2024). Ultrafast and Radiation-Hard Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocomposite Scintillators. Intervento presentato a: European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) - Spring Meeting 2024, Strasburgo, Francia. Dettaglio

  • Perego, J., Orfano, M., Villa, I., Dhamo, L., Bezuidenhout, C., Bracco, S., et al. (2024). Scintillating hetero-ligand metal organic frameworks (MOF) nanocrystals with engineered Stokes shift for photonics activated by ultrafast energy transfer. Intervento presentato a: ICSM 2024, The International Conference on Science and Technology of Synthetic Electronics Materials 2024, Dresden, Germany. Dettaglio

  • Cova, F., Erroi, A., Zaffalon, M., Cemmi, A., Di Sarcina, I., Perego, J., et al. (2024). Scintillation Properties of CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals: the Dual Effect of Polyacrylate Encapsulation toward Scalable Ultrafast Radiation Detectors. Intervento presentato a: European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) - Spring meeting 2024, Strasburgo, Francia. Dettaglio

  • Perego, J., Orfano, M., Villa, I., Dhamo, L., Bezuidenhout, C., Bracco, S., et al. (2024). Highly luminescent hetero-ligand MOF Nanocrystals with Engineered Stokes shift for Photonics Applications.. Intervento presentato a: E-MRS 2024 SPRING MEETING, Strasbourg, FRANCE. Dettaglio

  • Cova, F., Erroi, A., Zaffalon, M., Cemmi, A., Di Sarcina, I., Perego, J., et al. (2024). Scintillation Properties of CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals Prepared by Ligand-Assisted Reprecipitation and Dual Effect of Polyacrylate Encapsulation. Intervento presentato a: 17th International Conference on Scintillating Materials and their Applications, SCINT24, Milano, Italia. Dettaglio

Progetti di ricerca

PNRR per la Missione 4, componente 2 Investimento 1.1- Avviso 104/2022 | Hybrid core-Shell nanoscintillaTors for Advanced Radiotherapy (Hy-STAR)
Anno: 2022
Bando: Bando PRIN 2022
SPARTE - Scintillating Porous Architectures for RadioacTivE gas detection
Anno: 2019
Bando: FET-Open Challenging Current Thinking
Enti finanziatori: EUROPEAN COMMISSION
Biomethane low impact production and carbon dioxide bio-capture for circular economy BALANCE
Anno: 2016
Bando: 2016-013 - Ricerca integrata sulle biotecnologie industriali e sulla bioeconomia
Enti finanziatori: FONDAZIONE CARIPLO
Nanoporous materials with tailored structure for high performance methane storage and purification
Anno: 2016
Bando: 2015-078 - PRIN 2015
KiC- LIGHTBODY- Infrastructure and expertise network for Lightweight mobility : body and chassis
Anno: 2015
Bando: 2015-012 - 1a Call: April 2015 Call: Network of Infrastructure, • PhD Education • Master Education • Lifelong Education, • Wider Society Learning, • Entrepreneurship Support Services
Enti finanziatori: EIT RAW MATERIALS GMBH

Premi e responsabilità scientifiche


  • Premio Micromeritics Award USA 2012., Micromeritics, 2012
  • Premio Sapio per la Ricerca e l'Innovazione - IV edizione, Società Sapio, 2000
  • AIRI Oscar Masi, MIUR, 1995

Partecipazioni scientifiche

  • Componente dell'Advisory Board - Porous Organic Polymers China (Cina), 2016 - 2018
  • Componente dell'Advisory Board - 8th Internation Mesostructured Materials Symposium Awaji Island (Japan) (Giappone), 2013 - 2015
  • Socio effettivo o corrispondente - American Chemical Society (Italia), 2012 - 2026
  • Componente dell'Advisory Board - International Board del International Congress of the Organic Solid State ICCOSS (Stati Uniti), 2010 - 2020
  • Componente dell'Executive Commitee - International School of Mathematical and Theoretical Crystallography (Francia), 2008
  • Componente del Consiglio/Comitato Direttivo - Optical Polarization and Xenon NMR of Materials” XeMAT2000 (Stati Uniti), 2000
  • Componente dell'Executive Commitee - Solid state NMR of Condensed Matter (Italia), 1998

Comitati editoriali

  • Membro del Comitato Editoriale - , 2009
  • Membro del Comitato Editoriale - , 2008
  • Membro del Comitato Editoriale - , 2000

Incarichi di insegnamento o ricerca

  • Attivita' didattica - Chemistry and Tecnology of Polymers and Industrial Applications - Università degli Studi di MILANO-BICOCCA, 2017 - 2018
  • Attivita' didattica - Laboratorio di Tecnologia dei Materiali II (8 crediti) - Università degli Studi di MILANO-BICOCCA, 2013 - 2018
  • Attivita' didattica - Chimica e Tecnologia dei Polimeri - Università degli Studi di MILANO-BICOCCA, 2013 - 2017
  • Attivita' didattica - Laboratorio di Chimica Analitica Strumentale (6 crediti) - Università degli Studi di MILANO-BICOCCA, 2010 - 2018
  • Visiting Researcher - Responsabile del progetto "Binary compounds with optical properties"
    Supervisor di 2 PhD students. - New York University, 2009
  • Visiting Researcher - Responsabile del progetto "Binary compounds with optical properties"
    Supervisor di 2 PhD students. - New York University, 2008 - 2009
  • Visiting Researcher - Responsabile del progetto "Binary compounds with optical properties"
    Supervisor di 2 PhD students. - New York University, 2008
  • Visiting Researcher - Responsabile del progetto sulla Chimica Supramolecolare di sistemi complessi. - Université de Strasbourg, 2008
  • Visiting Researcher - Responsabile del progetto "Binary compounds with optical properties"
    Supervisor di 2 PhD students. - New York University, 2007
  • Visiting Researcher - Visiting Scientist - University of California - Berkeley, 1999
  • Visiting Researcher - Visiting Scientist for the studies of gas diffusion in polymers. - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, 1995
  • Visiting Researcher - Visiting Scientist - University of Cambridge, 1991


  • Program chair - 29th European Crystallographic Meeting(Croazia), 2015
  • Program chair - Congresso dell'Associazione Italiana di Cristallografia(Italia), 2011
  • Partecipazione al comitato organizzativo - International Congress on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State(Italia), 2009
  • Partecipazione al comitato organizzativo - International School of Mathematical and Theoretical Crystallography(Italia), 2008
  • Partecipazione al comitato organizzativo - Optical Polarization and Xenon NMR of Materials(Italia), 2000
  • Program committee - Solid state NMR of Condensed Matter(Italia), 1998