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Bettinelli, C., Del Bosco, B., Castellani, D. (2024). Shaping entrepreneurship in developing countries: the role of savings and credit groups. ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, 1-23 [10.1080/08985626.2024.2331150]. Dettaglio
Bettinelli, C., Del Bosco, B., Gentry, R., Dibrell, C. (2023). The influence of board social activity on firm performance. JOURNAL OF FAMILY BUSINESS STRATEGY, 14(2 (June 2023)) [10.1016/j.jfbs.2023.100552]. Dettaglio
Bettinelli, C., Mismetti, M., De Massis, A., Del Bosco, B. (2022). A Review of Conflict and Cohesion in Social Relationships in Family Firms. ENTREPRENEURSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE, 46(3), 539-577 [10.1177/10422587211000339]. Dettaglio
DEL BOSCO, B., Misani, N. (2016). The effect of cross-listing on the environmental, social, and governance performance of firms. JOURNAL OF WORLD BUSINESS, 51(6), 977-990 [10.1016/j.jwb.2016.08.002]. Dettaglio
Del Bosco, B., Bettinelli, C. (2020). How Do Family SMEs Control Their Investments Abroad? The Role of Distance and Family Control. MIR. MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL REVIEW, 60(1), 1-35 [10.1007/s11575-019-00406-6]. Dettaglio
Premi e responsabilità scientifiche
- INEKA Conference Award, INEKA ( Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Knowledge Academy), 2019
- Academy of Management, International Management Division CGIO Best Paper Award in International Corporate Governance, Academy of Management, International Management Division, 2015
- 5X1000 dell'Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Università degli Studi di Bergamo, 2011
Partecipazioni scientifiche
- Socio effettivo o corrispondente - SIM (Società Italiana Marketing) - SIMA (Società Italiana Management) - AIDEA (Accademia Italiana Economia Aziendale) (Italia), 2018
- Socio effettivo o corrispondente - Academy of Management (Stati Uniti), 2011
- Socio effettivo o corrispondente - EBEN (European Business Ethics Network) (Francia), 2008