Docente a contratto
Settore scientifico disciplinare:
Didattica e storia della fisica (FIS/08)


  • Rossini, R., Clemenza, M., Di Martino, D., Laubenstein, M., Scherillo, A., Musa, M., et al. (2023). Low-background gamma spectrometry and neutron diffraction in the study of stony meteorites. APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES, 193(March 2023) [10.1016/j.apradiso.2023.110653]. Dettaglio

  • Rossini, R., Di Martino, D., Agoro, T., Cataldo, M., Gorini, G., Hillier, A., et al. (2023). A new multidisciplinary non-destructive protocol for the analysis of stony meteorites: gamma spectroscopy, neutron and muon techniques supported by Raman microscopy and SEM-EDS. JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL ATOMIC SPECTROMETRY, 38(2), 293-302 [10.1039/d2ja00263a]. Dettaglio

  • Musa, M. (2022). The Importance of Multidisciplinary Analytical Strategies to Solve Identification and Characterization Challenges in Gemology: The Example of the “Green Stones”. APPLIED SCIENCES, 12(14) [10.3390/app12147168]. Dettaglio

  • Musa, M., Rossini, R., Di Martino, D., Riccardi, M., Clemenza, M., Gorini, G. (2021). Combining micro-raman spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy mapping: A stony meteorite study. MATERIALS, 14(24) [10.3390/ma14247585]. Dettaglio

  • Di Martino, D., Benati, G., Alberti, R., Baroni, S., Bertelli, C., Blumer, F., et al. (2019). The Chiaravalle Cross: Results of a Multidisciplinary Study. HERITAGE, 2(3), 2555-2572 [10.3390/heritage2030157]. Dettaglio