Professoressa associata
Settore scientifico disciplinare:
Oceanografia, meteorologia e climatologia (GEOS-04/C)
  • U04, Piano: 3, Stanza: 3035


Associate Professor in Oceanography and Atmospheric Physics at the University of Milano – Bicocca, research associate at the Institute of Science of the Atmosphere and Climate of the National Research Council, vice-president of the Committee on Mathematical Geophysics of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics. Pasquero studies the interactions between oceans and climate. Recently, her research has led to significant improvements in the understanding of the dynamics of typhoons and hurricanes. She also works on the interactions between ocean dynamics and marine ecosystems. Pasquero has published more than 25 publications on international journals, has been invited to over 30 conferences as a key-note speaker, has lead several national and international research projects, works as a reviewer for many international jounrals, and for European and US-NSF projects. 


  • Hamouda, M., Portal, A., Pasquero, C. (2024). Polar Vortex Disruptions by High Latitude Ocean Warming. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 51(8) [10.1029/2023GL107567]. Dettaglio

  • Tartaglione, N., Desbiolles, F., del Moral-Mendez, A., Meroni, A., Napoli, A., Borgnino, M., et al. (2024). Low cloud response to aerosol-radiation-cloud interactions: Idealized WRF numerical experiments for EUREC4A project. ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE LETTERS [10.1002/asl.1208]. Dettaglio

  • Fernandez, P., Speich, S., Borgnino, M., Meroni, A., Desbiolles, F., Pasquero, C. (2023). On the importance of the atmospheric coupling to the small-scale ocean in the modulation of latent heat flux. FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE, 10 [10.3389/fmars.2023.1136558]. Dettaglio

  • Fernández, P., Speich, S., Borgnino, M., Meroni, A., Desbiolles, F., Pasquero, C. (2023). On the importance of the atmospheric coupling to the small-scale ocean in the modulation of latent heat flux. In Abstract EGU23. Copernicus Publications [10.5194/egusphere-egu23-311]. Dettaglio

  • Bosio, G., Collareta, A., Bianucci, G., Pasquero, C., Lambert, O., Di Celma, C., et al. (2023). How old is the Humboldt Current System?. In 4th Palaeontological Virtual Congress. Book of Abstracts. Dettaglio

Progetti di ricerca

PNRR per la Missione 4, componente 2 Investimento 1.1- Avviso 104/2022 | ICREN - Intense Convective Rainfall Events Nowcasting
Anno: 2022
Bando: Bando PRIN 2022
PRIN 2022 PNRR- Missione 4, Componente 2, Investimento 1.1 - Avviso 1409/22 - Impact of LOCal conditions on the change of Italian microCLIMAtes (LocClima)
Anno: 2022
Bando: Bando PRIN 2022
EUREC4A-OA - Improving the representation of small-scale nonlinear oceanatmosphere interactions in Climate models by innovative joint observing and modelling approaches
Anno: 2021
Enti finanziatori: UNIONE EUROPEA
Global and Local Atmospheric response to the Underlying Coupled Ocean (GLAUCO)
Anno: 2020
Enti finanziatori: European Space Agency
EXTRA - EXTreme Rains in the Alps
Anno: 2016
Bando: Ricerca dedicata al dissesto idrogeologico: un contributo per la previsione, la prevenzione e la mitigazione del rischio
Enti finanziatori: FONDAZIONE CARIPLO

Premi e responsabilità scientifiche


  • Distinguished Referee EPJ. org,, 2020
  • Titolo di eccellenza come revisore della rivista Geophysical Research Letters, American Geophysical Union, 2020

Partecipazioni scientifiche

  • Altra carica sociale - International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics - Vice rappresentante nazionale (Italia), 2019
  • Componente dell'Advisory Board - European Space Agency - Earth Explorer X Mission Advisor Group (Europeo), 2018 - 2020
  • Vice-Presidente - Committee on Mathematical Geophysics - International Union on Geodesy and Geophysics (Germania), 2010

Comitati editoriali

  • Associate Editor di rivista o collana editoriale - EARTH SYSTEM DYNAMICS, 2023

Incarichi di insegnamento o ricerca

  • Visiting Researcher - Visiting Professor - École Normale Supérieure de Paris, 2021 - 2022
  • Visiting Researcher - Harvard University, 2018
  • Ricercatore presso Ente di ricerca - Associato con incarico di ricerca presso l'ISAC - CNR per partecipare all'attività di ricerca "Dinamica e variabilità del clima: processi, ricostruzioni, scenari e impatti" - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 2017


  • Partecipazione al comitato organizzativo - Atmosphere-ocean coupling at (sub)mesoscales(Paesi Bassi), 2023

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