Docente a contratto
Settore scientifico disciplinare:
Malattie odontostomatologiche (MED/28)


  • Maddalone, M., Citterio, C., Pellegatta, A., Gagliani, M., Karanxha, L., Del Fabbro, M. (2020). Cone-beam computed tomography accuracy in pulp chamber size evaluation: An ex vivo study. AUSTRALIAN ENDODONTIC JOURNAL, 46(1), 88-93 [10.1111/aej.12378]. Dettaglio

  • Maddalone, M., Venino, P., Bianco, E., Pellegatta, A., Calvelli, C., Citterio, C. (2020). Evaluation with micro-CT of the canal seal made with two different bioceramic cements: Guttaflow bioseal and bioroot RCS. JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY DENTAL PRACTICE, 21(4), 359-366 [10.5005/jp-journals-10024-2816]. Dettaglio

  • Maddalone, M., Gagliani, M., Citterio, C., Karanxha, L., Pellegatta, A., Del Fabbro, M. (2018). Prevalence of vertical root fractures in teeth planned for apical surgery. A retrospective cohort study. INTERNATIONAL ENDODONTIC JOURNAL, 51(9), 969-974 [10.1111/iej.12910]. Dettaglio

  • Citterio, F., Pellegatta, A., Citterio, C., Maddalone, M. (2014). Analysis of the apical constriction using micro-computed tomography and anatomical sections. GIORNALE ITALIANO DI ENDODONZIA, 28(1), 41-45 [10.1016/j.gien.2014.05.001]. Dettaglio