Docente a contratto
Settore scientifico disciplinare:
Fisiologia (BIO/09)


  • Forcieri, S., Beretta, E., Riva, M. (2022). The birth of experimental physiology. ADVANCES IN PHYSIOLOGY EDUCATION, 46(4), 593-597 [10.1152/advan.00126.2022]. Dettaglio

  • Miserocchi, G., Beretta, E., Rivolta, I., Bartesaghi, M. (2022). Role of the Air-Blood Barrier Phenotype in Lung Oxygen Uptake and Control of Extravascular Water. FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY, 13 [10.3389/fphys.2022.811129]. Dettaglio

  • Paleari, A., Beretta, E., Riva, M. (2021). Giovanni Maria Lancisi (1654-1720) and the modern cardiovascular physiology. ADVANCES IN PHYSIOLOGY EDUCATION, 45(1), 154-159 [10.1152/advan.00218.2020]. Dettaglio

  • Beretta, E., Romano, F., Sancini, G., Grotberg, J., Nieman, G., Miserocchi, G. (2021). Pulmonary Interstitial Matrix and Lung Fluid Balance From Normal to the Acutely Injured Lung. FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY, 12 [10.3389/fphys.2021.781874]. Dettaglio

  • Grasso, G., Beretta, E., Miserocchi, G., Riva, M. (2020). Rodolfo Margaria e la Luna: 50 anni dall’allunaggio. MEDICINA HISTORICA, 4(Suppl 1), 232-233. Dettaglio