Assegnista di ricerca
Settore scientifico disciplinare:
Ginecologia e ostetricia (MED/40)


  • Colciago, E., Ferrara, P., Vaglio Tessitore, I., Mantovani, L., Vergani, P., Ornaghi, S. (2024). A vaginal birth is a cost-reduction strategy for women with a low-lying placenta. MINERVA OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY [10.23736/S2724-606X.24.05443-5]. Dettaglio

  • Colciago, E., Robinson, A., Ornaghi, S., Fumagalli, S., Antolini, L., Nespoli, A., et al. (2024). Are expectations of labour and birth fulfilled? A qualitative investigation of first‐time parents. JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING [10.1111/jan.16274]. Dettaglio

  • Ornaghi, S., Fernicola, F., Marelli, E., Perotti, M., Di Gennaro, F., Cameroni, I., et al. (2023). Acute spontaneous non-hemorrhagic adrenal infarction in pregnancy: case-report and literature review. GYNECOLOGICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY, 39(1) [10.1080/09513590.2023.2234492]. Dettaglio

  • Borrelli, S., Downey, J., Colciago, E., Fumagalli, S., Nespoli, A., Spiby, P. (2023). Mothers’ perspectives on the potential use of video-calling during early labour in the United Kingdom and Italy: A qualitative study. WOMEN AND BIRTH, 36(4 (July 2023)), 405-411 [10.1016/j.wombi.2023.01.004]. Dettaglio

  • Borrelli, S., Fumagalli, S., Colciago, E., Downey, J., Spiby, H., Nespoli, A. (2023). How should a video-call service for early labour be provided? A qualitative study of midwives’ perspectives in the United Kingdom and Italy. WOMEN AND BIRTH, 36(6), 504-510 [10.1016/j.wombi.2023.06.006]. Dettaglio