Assegnista di ricerca
Settore scientifico disciplinare:
Economia politica (SECS-P/01)


I am a Labour Economist, Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Milano-Bicocca, Department of Statistics and Quantitative Methods and  CRISP, affiliated with LABORatorio "R. Revelli", and research coordinator at Randstad Research Italia

After graduating in Economics and Social Sciences from Bocconi University of Milan, I obtained a Master in Economics and Complexity from the Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin and a PhD in Economics from the University of Turin, where I was adjunct professor of Labour economics. 

My research interests range in the field of labour economics, with particular attention to the evolution of occupational profiles, labour market performance and impact assessment of labour market policies. I mostly conduct quantitative research with a variety of sources, including surveys, administrative and web data.


  • Abbonato, D., Bottai, C., Trentini, F., Velyka, A. (2024). Validazione e arricchimento del RUNTS con dati web. Intervento presentato a: Quindicesima Conferenza Nazionale di Statistica, Roma, Italia. Dettaglio

  • Colombo, E., Mercorio, F., Mezzanzanica, M., Trentini, F. (2024). Changes in Occupational Skill Bundle: The Case of Lombardy. In C. Larsen, J. Kipper, A. Webb, M. Baruffini, A. Motz, C. Müller (a cura di), Shortages of Labour and Skills. Insights and Evidence to Inform Strategies. Relevant to Regional and Local Labour Markets and Labour Market Observatories (pp. 79-88). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG [10.5771/9783748947769-79]. Dettaglio

  • Bottai, C., Trentini, F., Velyka, A. (2024). Augmenting the Italian Third Sector registry using non-profit organisations’ websites. In Proceedings CARMA 2024 - 6th International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics (pp.140-147). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València [10.4995/carma2024.2024.17830]. Dettaglio

  • Colombo, E., Trentini, F. (2023). Il cambiamento delle professioni come cambiamento delle competenze: evidenze dagli annunci di lavoro online in cinque paesi europei. RIVISTA DI POLITICA ECONOMICA, 2023(1), 17-38. Dettaglio

  • Mercorio, F., Trentini, F., Mezzanzanica, M., Pallucchini, F., Guo, Y., Langer, C. (2023). PIAAC2ESCO - An AI-driven classification of the PIAAC Background questionnaire onto the ESCO Skills Pillar (2021-2022) [Banca dati] [10.20366/unimib/unidata/si399-1.0]. Dettaglio