Professore ordinario
Settore scientifico disciplinare:
Psicometria (PSIC-01/C)
Gruppo scientifico disciplinare:
  • U06, Piano: 3, Stanza: 3039
Orari di ricevimento:

Martedi dalle 16.30 alle 18.30. 



My research interests span the fields of personality and social psychology, with a keen eye on methodological and psychometric issues. They are part of a broader interest in attitudes, personality traits, individual differences, social cognition, and in the factors that underlie evaluation and motivation and influence behaviour.

A main longstanding research interest is in developing, applying, and testing models of decision making within the tradition of attitude theory and social cognition, with a recent focus on the measurement and the interplay between implicit and explicit attitudes and on the moderators of their predictive validity. A related research interest is on behavioural change as generated by using social psychological intervention frameworks (e.g., goals, social norms).

I have pursued a line of research also on evaluative learning paradigms as a means to change implicit and explicit attitudes, with behavioural implications. In particular, one such paradigms (Self-Referencing task) proved successful in several studies to change implicit and explicit attitudes towards a range of targets, including consumer brands and goods and social groups, and led to the documentation of a new learning principle (intersecting regularities).

In personality, a longstanding research interest is on general taxonomies of broad personality dimensions (so-called Big Five and Big Six) and on the development and application of measures broadly linked to prosocial and moral behaviour. Recent interests focus on the role of individual differences in automatic behaviour, as reflected by the Gatekeeper model proposed some years ago which can be understood as an instance of a broader dynamic situation-person interaction perspective, and on the interplay between processes and structure within personality. This last research interest has recently lead to the use of network analysis as a statistical and theoretical tool to model the dynamics and change of personality structure. Finally, I am occasionally involved in studies and validation of specific measures of personality dimensions.
My background in applied Psychometrics and quantitative research methodology is the cornerstone supporting all theoretical interests. Most statistical methods are applied and refined depending on the specific needs. I have expertise in factor analysis and structural equation models, but I am confident with several other statistical methods. I have also focused the attention to the psychometric challenges linked to the development and validation of implicit measures of attitudes and personality. Finally, I have been involved in a number of recent contributions related to the reproducibility of scientific findings.

Besides these lines of research, given my broad and eclectic scientific interests, I am involved in a number of other research projects and international collaborations on a range of topics and domains.


  • Mattavelli, S., Richetin, J., Gallucci, M., Perugini, M. (2017). The Self-Referencing task: Theoretical overview and empirical evidence. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, 71, 68-82 [10.1016/j.jesp.2017.02.006]. Dettaglio

  • Costantini, G., Perugini, M. (2016). The network of conscientiousness. JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN PERSONALITY, 65, 68-88 [10.1016/j.jrp.2016.10.003]. Dettaglio

  • Schönbrodt, F., Wagenmakers, E., Zehetleitner, M., Perugini, M. (2017). Sequential hypothesis testing with Bayes factors: Efficiently testing mean differences. PSYCHOLOGICAL METHODS, 22(2), 322-339 [10.1037/met0000061]. Dettaglio

  • Hughes, S., De Houwer, J., Perugini, M. (2016). Expanding the boundaries of evaluative learning research: How intersecting regularities shape our likes and dislikes. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY. GENERAL, 145(6), 731-754 [10.1037/xge0000100]. Dettaglio

  • Perugini, M., Gallucci, M., Costantini, G. (2014). Safeguard Power as a Protection Against Imprecise Power Estimates. PERSPECTIVES ON PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 9(3), 319-332 [10.1177/1745691614528519]. Dettaglio

Progetti di ricerca

LEARNVUL- Learning in emotionally vulnerable people
Anno: 2019
Bando: Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation
Enti finanziatori: EUROPEAN COMMISSION
Come cambia la rappresentanza politica in Italia La decisione di voto nel ciclo elettorale 2013-2015
Anno: 2011
Bando: 2011-120 - PRIN 2010-2011
Verso un modello computazionale completo della lettura: il riconoscimento delle parole complesse
Anno: 2008
Bando: 2008-003 - FIRB Futuro in ricerca 2008

Premi e responsabilità scientifiche


  • Highly Cited Researcher 2022, Clarivate Analytics, 2022
  • Commendatore Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana, Presidenza della Repubblica, 2022
  • Highly Cited Researchers 2021, Web of Science Group, 2021
  • Highly Cited Researchers 2020, Web of Science Group, 2020
  • Doctor Honoris Causa Socialium Scientarium” (Dottore di Ricerca Honoris Causa in Scienze Sociali), West University of Timisoara (WUT), 2018

Partecipazioni scientifiche

  • Fellow - Association for Psychological Science (Stati Uniti), 2019
  • Fellow - Society for Personality and Social Psychology (Stati Uniti), 2019
  • Presidente - European Association Personality Psychology (Paesi Bassi), 2012 - 2014

Comitati editoriali

  • Direttore di rivista, collana editoriale, enciclopedia - EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PERSONALITY, 2008 - 2012

Incarichi di insegnamento o ricerca

  • Visiting Researcher - Ghent University, 2018
  • Visiting Researcher - Special Research Fund Visiting Foreign Researcher (VBO) University of Ghent.
    Bando competitivo di tre mesi finalizzato alla messa a punto di ricerche con il Prof. Jan De Houwer. - Ghent University, 2013