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Milano Re-mapped (2nd edition)

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Enti finanziatori: FONDAZIONE CARIPLO

CICERONE - Creative Industries Cultural Economy Production Network

Creative Industries Cultural Economy pROduction NEtwork (CICERONE) provides policymakers with a unique and innovative perspective from which to understand the cultural and creative industries (CCIs). Previous analyses have mapped the location and distribution of the CCIs; CICERONE innovates by exploring the flows Leggi tutto of products and ideas that generate the economic and cultural values in and of places, and which also account for the disparities between them. Moreover, CICERONE explores the evolving relationships between cultural and the economy. Place is central to this project; place as co-produced by networks: jobs, ideas, cultures and economies all come together in unique combinations in places, this is what makes them ‘unique’. The variations in local capacities to respond to global forces determine the past, present and future of all territories. By using the global production network (GPN) approach we develop a comprehensive understanding of CCIs (in the form of industries, clusters and networks). Furthermore, CICERONE will translate this new research into a stakeholder network, and an observatory, whose designs are reflective of the network approach. These will themselves be part of European capacity building which will serve to strengthen CCIs’ collective representation, empower sustainable cocreation, and spur local cultural resilience, jobs and economic activity. At its core, CICERONE provides an academic analysis harnessed to economic, cultural and social impacts in terms of local capacity building in, and across, places; as well as deepening our understanding of the inequalities and lack of diversity of social characteristic and economic employment opportunities that characterises the CCIs.

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Bando: Inclusive and sustainable growth through cultural and creative industries and the arts
Enti finanziatori: EUROPEAN COMMISSION

Mapping cultural production and consumption in pandemic times

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Enti finanziatori: FONDAZIONE CARIPLO

Milano Re-mapped

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Enti finanziatori: FONDAZIONE CARIPLO
a cura di Redazione Centrale, ultimo aggiornamento il 24/10/2022