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IntHuR - Right to the Internet and Human Rights on the Internet in the algorithmic era

Nowadays, the protection of human rights and the definition itself of democracy cannot be separated from the Internet Governance. The Net has become one of the main means of communication and information, as well as a progressively important instrument of Leggi tutto political participation. At the same time, in the giant market of the Internet data themselves are one of the major commodities, managed and processed by private operators thanks to algorithmic technologies: in this way, big platforms online are gaining an increasingly pervasive control over information. The ongoing and fast-paced change of the digital world generates a lively juridical activity where the European Union plays a key role on both the legislative and the jurisdictional levels. This activity shows how the initial liberal approach aiming to secure economic freedoms has been replaced by a perspective based on protection of fundamental rights. In the latest years, following the ECJ’s judicial path to a full protection of fundamental rights in the digital environment, the EU legislation has been increasingly shifting towards a more constitutional approach, as in the GDPR. Furthermore, the objectives of the Digital Single Market are now under revision according to a strategy which enhances democratic values and respects fundamental rights, as recently stated in the Communication “Shaping Europe's digital future” (COM/2020/67) and “A European strategy for data” (COM(2020) 66), an approach also shared by the White Paper on Artificial Intelligence (COM/2020/65). Our proposal’s background lies at the heart of a vital topic of EU Studies. We intend to address it from a particularly innovative perspective: a single course of 42 hours plus workshops and roundtables fully dedicated at the law of the Internet as one of the most important areas of an emerging European Constitutional framework, focusing on the protection of Human Rights in the digital world as the distinctive feature of the European approach.

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Enti finanziatori: EUROPEAN COMMISSION

TANZARELLA-Fondo per il finanziamento delle attività base di ricerca

Data di inizio:
Data di fine:
Bando: FFABR 2017
Enti finanziatori: M.I.U.R. - MINISTERO DELL'ISTRUZIONE, DELL'UNIVERSITA' E DELLA RICERCA - UFFICIO I - Bilancio e Contabilita'. Coordinamento staff della Direzione
a cura di Redazione Centrale, ultimo aggiornamento il 24/10/2022