Progetti di ricerca

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AniCompLaw - Animal Law in Comparative and Global Perspective

The project aims at introducing the study and research in animal law with a comparative perspective within the course of law. Nowadays there is a total lack of courses which are fully dedicated on that topic, notwithstanding the role and relevance Leggi tutto of animal law and animal related problems in many fields of the law and the increasing interest of students for this topic. In this direction, the project aims at realizing two main results: (i) Activation of a module of 42 hours dedicated to animal law related aspects, from public and criminal law, to civil law. A special attention will also be devoted to the links between animal law and sustainability issues with reference to specific fields of analysis. (ii) The module will also be conducted with a special attention to comparative law treaching, taking into consideration the evolution of animal alw in some Euroean Cuntries, as well as with refrence to European law. The course will be held in Italian and in English specially thanks to the participation of foreign academics and for this it will be able to attract Erasmus students and to prepare Italian students for the outgoing mobility. The course is based on a collaborative approach to learning, involving a high level of interaction during lessons. The course is therefore based on a strong legal approach intended to promote excellence in this area of EU Studies. The project will raise consciousness and contribute to academic studies of animal law. It is intended to have a strong impact on the scientific knowledge of the academic community, policymakers and regulators, both at national and international level. On a more general level, the project ambition is to enhance knowledge and awareness on one of the most urgent problems currently questioning modern societies, highlighting EU pivotal role as a driver for improving animal welfare.

Data di inizio:
Data di fine:
Bando: Jean Monnet Actions in the field of Higher Education: Modules
Enti finanziatori: EUROPEAN COMMISSION

PRIN 2022 PNRR- Missione 4, Componente 2, Investimento 1.1 -Avviso 1409/22 - Sustanability and animal welfare

Data di inizio:
Data di fine:
Bando: Bando PRIN 2022
a cura di Redazione Centrale, ultimo aggiornamento il 24/10/2022