Sanità Pubblica - Attività didattica

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Elenco degli insegnamenti offerti nell'a.a. 2019/2020

Teacher  Sara Conti, Centro di Studio e Ricerca sulla Sanità Pubblica, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
Language Italiano
CFU  1
Hours  8
Program  Introduzione ai determinanti di salute
  -     Definizione
  -     Conceptual frameworks
  -     Focus: determinanti sociali vs ambientali
  Determinanti ambientali di salute
  -     Descrizione sintetica dei principali determinanti ambientali di salute
  -     Cenni di epidemiologia ambientale
  -     Focus: effetto ed impatto dell’inquinamento atmosferico outdoor
Evaluation NO
Calendar TBD
Teacher  TBD
Language Italian
CFU  3
Hours  24
Program  1) Guida all’uso di R/ Bioconductor
  2) Next generation sequencing (NGS)
  3) DNA sequencing and variant calling
  4) RNA sequencing e differential expression analysis
Evaluation Yes, if requested
Calendar apr-20
Teacher  Bagnardi Vincenzo, Università di Milano-Bicocca
Language Italian
CFU  1.25
Hours  10
Program  Sample size calculation is one of the basic steps in the planning of any clinical trial. With complex study designs (eg: adaptive studies) or not-standard statistical analyses (eg: mixed models), closed-form expressions or canned software for sample size calculation may not exist. In these situations, setting up a simulation study can solve the problem, allowing to find the optimal sample size for, virtually, any type of trial. The aim of this course is to provide the basis for the sample size calculation of a clinical study using a simulation-based approach. This course will mostly use SAS for empirical examples and exercises. Relevant R code will also be provided.
Evaluation ON REQUEST
Calendar April 2020
Teacher  Paola Vallerio
Language Italiano
CFU  0.5
Hours  4
Program  Cardiotoxicity is defined as the occurrence of cardiac musolar or electric system disorders, during therapies for solid or blood cancers.
  In the last several years the focus changed on the effects of the drugs themselves on the heart and blood vessels. Moreover, with the introduction of TKI drugs, new types of toxicity emerged.
  It is therefore essential to stage correctly the patient before starting therapy to schedule a personalized follow-up in order to guarantee the greatest diffusion of care for these diseases.
Evaluation no
Calendar TBD
Teacher  Claudio Colosio, Università degli Studi di Milano
Language Italian
CFU  2
Hours  16
Program  Introdurre lo studente alla “Occupational Health”, concetto ben più ampio di quello di “Medicina del Lavoro”, fornendo informazioni chiave sulle origini e l’evoluzione della disciplina, dalle radici posizionate in ambito di clinica delle malattie da lavoro alla evoluzione verso una vocazione prevalentemente preventiva della disciplina. Discutere la criteriologia del nesso di causa utilizzando alni esempi di malattia professionale quali case study. Introdurre  lo studente alla tossicologia dei principali metalli e solventi e affrontare lo  specifico problema degli antiparassitari, individuando specifici obiettivi di ricerca nell'ambito.  Discutere l'agricoltura quale esempio di settore nel quale sono rappresentati i principali rischi per la salute presenti nei luoghi di lavoro. Introdurre il tema delle liste delle malattie professionali e dei relativi criteri per la diagnosi e la prevenzione, con riferimento alla nuova lista ILO delle malattie professionali e alla nuova classificazione OMS ICD11. Affrontare il tema dell'emergenza-riemergenza delle malattie professionali e della necessità di creare sistemi di allerta nazionali e sovranazionali
Evaluation On request
Calendar Giugno-Luglio 2020
Teacher  La Vecchia Carlo; Università degli studi di Milano
Title Design of observational studies
Language Italian
CFU  1.25
Hours  10
Program  Reviews and letters on epidemiological studies
Evaluation On request
Calendar Non definito
Teacher  TBD
Language Italian
CFU  4
Hours  32
Program  1) Analisi della sopravvivenza con modelli (semi-) parametrici
  2) Analisi della sopravvivenza con dati censurati in un intervallo
  3) Disegni ed analisi di esperimenti bioemedici in particolare con misure ripetute
  4) Analisi di misure correlate serialmente con modelli lineari per effetti misti
Evaluation On request
Calendar aprile 2020
Teacher  Ferraroni Monica/Micciolo Rocco, Università egli Studi di Milano/Università degli Studi di Trento
Language Italian
CFU  5
Hours  40
Program  Measuring linear association: correlation - The general linear model - Introduction to experimental design - One-way ANOVA. Randomized block design. Factorial designs.  Mixed models. Model building with multiple regression: modelselection procedures. Regression diagnostics.
Evaluation On request
Calendar Marzo 2020
Teacher TBD
Language Italian
CFU  3
Hours  24
Program  1) Introduzione all’inferenza causale 
  2) Modelli grafici 
  3) Analisi di mediazione 
  4) Effetto diretto, indiretto e totale 
  5) Randomizzazione mendeliana 
  6) Interazione meccanicistica 
  7) Introduzione alla Randomizzazione Mendeliano con metodo bayesiano
Evaluation On request
Calendar aprile 2020
Teacher  Salini Silvia, Università degli Studi di Milano  
Language Italian
CFU  1.25
Hours  10
Program  The aim of the course is to introduce the student to the knowledge of the fundamentals of robust statistics, in particular in the context of regression and in the context of multivariate statistical analysis. The presence of anomalous data often creates problems in the application of models that assume that the distributions are oulier free. A possible approach is to exclude outliers before applying the model. However, in many cases, especially in multivariate contexts, it is not easy to identify anomalous data. The robust statistics proposes alternative estimators to the traditional ones that are robust even in the presence of anomalous data. Along with a theoretical presentation, we will propose some applications and the use of a MATLAB package or some R functions that implement robust estimators in regression and in multivariate analysis.
Evaluation On request
Calendar luglio 2020
Teacher  Moretto Angelo, Università degli Studi di Milano  
Language Italian
CFU  1.5
Hours  12
Program  Describe the main concepts of risk assessment of chemicals and their application in Public Health. Development  and use of exposure data, toxicity and epidemiological data. Concepts in modeling and step-wise approach to risk assessment. Definition of and criteria for selecting safety factors, description of uncertainties. Case studies
Evaluation On request
Calendar maggio 2020
Teacher Boracchi Patrizia, Università degli Studi di Milano
Language Italian
CFU  4.5
Hours  36
Program  Discuss the problems of the collection of follow-up data of longitudinal studies related to the appearance of adverse events over time (presence of censoring and competitive risks). Perform data analysis with appropriate parametric and non-parametric methods. Use regression models to identify risk factors. Use regression models related to generalized linear models to study disease dynamics.
Evaluation On request
Calendar febbraio 2020
Teacher  De Battisti Francesca, Università degli Studi di Milano
Language Italian
CFU  2
Hours  16
Program  Aim of the course is to introduce the student to the knowledge of the main features of structural equation models, in particular of the Partial Least Squares Path Modeling. These models allow to estimate the network of relationships existing among the manifest variables and their own latent variables, and among the latent variables inside the model. The method has great potentialities and different application fields: e.g. economic, psychological and medical. Along with a theoretical presentation, some applications will be proposed; in this way the student will learn to interpret the results of the analysis and to better evaluate the possibilities of the methodology.
Evaluation On request
Calendar aprile 2020
Teacher  Laura Antolini, School of Medicine and Surgery
Language English
CFU  1.5
Hours  12
Program  Competing Risks and Multistate models are widely used in medical research when survival data involve composite outcomes with absorbing events (competing risks) and possible intermediate events (multistate). These models can be used to obtain risk prediction on future outcome development and to assess the prognostic impact of patient characteristics and therapeutic interventions on the outcome development.
  Prediction. The incidence function is generalized to competing risks data by its decomposition into absolute risks of each absorbing event. Absolute risks are called “crude probabilities” emphasizing the indirect protection that each absorbing event determines on the others. In the presence of multistate data, the intermediate events are included in the absolute risks which are called “state probabilities”, emphasizing that subjects may sojourn in intermediate states in the multistate process that takes to the absorbing events. 
  Prognostic Impact. The hazard function is generalized to competing risks data by its decomposition into cause specific hazard of each absorbing event. In the presence of multistate data, the intermediate events are included among the hazard functions that are called “transition hazard” between the states, to emphasize the motion among the intermediate and absorbing states.
  The course will deal first with the clinical questions and corresponding theoretical quantities. This link will be crucial to guide the student in the approach to estimation and inference to be adopted.
Evaluation YES if required
Calendar TBD
Teacher  Richard Cook, Professor of Statistics in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at the University of Waterloo, Canada
  Daniel Farewell, Reader in Statistics in the School of Medicine at Cardiff University, UK
Language English
CFU  3
Hours  32
Program  The general aim is to provide an introduction to statistical methods for the analysis of longitudinal and life history data. An emphasis will be given to the kinds of data arising in epidemiology and public health research, with some issues being specific to the analysis of data from clinical studies.
  We will begin with a focus on common approaches for the analysis of repeated measurements from individuals over common scheduled assessment times, including mixed effects models, generalized estimating equations, and autoregressive models. Models and methods will then be discussed for the analysis of life history data obtained from continuous observation of individuals who are subject to right-censoring. The assumptions justifying the various approaches to analysis will be highlighted, and the interpretation of covariate effects and other possible estimands will be emphasized.
  Recurring themes will include robustness, the implications of a dependence between the longitudinal or life history process and the observation process (i.e. missing data, censoring and informative observation mechanisms), and causal inference.
  Substantive examples from medical science will be used throughout the course to motivate the methods and illustrate the different interpretations given to estimates of intervention and other covariate effects. R code and selected output will be provided in worked examples.
Evaluation YES if required
Calendar 1-5 March 2020
Teacher GIovanni Casazza, Università degli Studi di Milano
Language Italian
CFU  1.5
Hours  12
Program  This course will give participants a basic understanding of the key concepts of meta-analysis. Student will be introduced to statistcal methods commonly used in meta-analysis (i.e. fixed and random effects models) to pool risk ratios, odds ratios and risk differences. Particular focus will be given to methods for heterogeneity assessment. Finally, methods for the meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy will also be introduced. RevMan software will be used for practical examples. By the end of this course, participants will be able to read and understand statistical methods and results reported in published meta-analyses.
Evaluation Yes, if requested
Calendar maggio2020
Teacher Zehender Gianguglielmo , Università degli Studi di Milano
Language Italian
CFU  2
Hours  16
Program  To train the student in the main concepts of how infectious diseases spread within the population.Provide basic knowledge on phylogenetic methodologies and their use for the epidemiological inference and molecular surveillance of infections relevant for Public Health, with particular focus on vaccine-preventable diseases.
Evaluation Yes, if requested
Calendar Luglio Settembre 2019
Teacher  TBD
Language Italian
CFU  4
Hours  32
Program  Applicazioni microarray per analisi genome-wide (GWAS, EWAS, Gene expression)
  1) Disegno dello studio e calcolo della numerosità campionaria 
  2) Preprocessing , controllo di qualità e imputazione
  3) Identificazione fattori confondenti e stratificazione
  4) Analisi statistiche e descrittive
  5) Correzione per test multipli
  6) Metanalisi dei risultati
Evaluation Yes, if requested
Calendar aprile2020
Teacher TBD
Language Italian
CFU  4
Hours  32
Program  1) Banche dati on line (browsers, ontology, pathways, genetic variants, web tools) e enrichment analysis
  2) Analisi di co-espressione e co-variazione genetica (PCA, sPCA, WGCNA)
  3) Modelli di pathway molecolari con equazioni strutturali (SEM)
  4) Heritability analysis con dati familiari e genome-wide (LMMs)
Evaluation Yes, if requested
Calendar aprile 2020
Teacher  Somigliana Edgardo , Università degli Studi di Milano
Language Italian
CFU  1.25
Hours  10
Program  To become aware of the peculiarities of infertility treatments (in particular Assisted Reproductive Techniques) and to understand the pitfalls in the evaluation of their effectiveness
Evaluation Yes, if requested
Calendar febbraio 2020
Teacher  Giovanni Corrao, Università Milano Bicocca
Language English
CFU  5
Hours  40
Program  Il corso prevede una sessione di lezione frontale al mattino ed esercitazioni guidate nel pomeriggio. Tra i temi principali affrontati: · Aspetti etico-normativi · Misurare i bisogni di salute · Monitorare l’utilizzo, l’appropriatezza e l’equità degli interventi preventivi, curativi e riabilitativi e delle azioni e delle cure mediche. 
  Misurare efficacia ed efficienza delle misure preventive e dei percorsi diagnostici, terapeutici ed assistenziali sperimentati dai beneficiari del SSN · Metodi di misura. Fonti di distorsione. Stesura del protocollo. Analisi dei dati Redazione del report finale · Approcci all’integrazione tra flussi (dalle piattaforme di ricerca blockchain).
Evaluation No
Calendar 16-20 settembre 2019
a cura di Scuola di dottorato, ultimo aggiornamento il 05/01/2021